The Postal Money Order

What we have here is a(n) Negotiable Instrument [NI] and according to the UCC Section 3-104 subsection (a):

(a) negotiable instrument means an unconditional promise or order to pay a fixed amount of money. Neb. U.C.C. § 3-104

Then if you read further down, it goes on to say in subsection (f):

(f) "Check" means (i) a draft, other than a documentary draft, payable on demand and drawn on a bank, (ii) a cashier's check or teller's check, or (iii) a demand draft. An instrument may be a check even though it is described on its face by another term, such as "money order".Neb. U.C.C. § 3-104

The reason this all works is underneath public law 73-10/ HR 192 stating that:

"every provision contained in or made with respect to any obligation which purports to give the obligee a right to require payment in gold or a particular Kind of coin or currency, or in come an amount in money of the United States measured thereby, is declared to be against public policy; and no such provision shall be contained in or made w/ respect to any obligation hereafter incurred. Every obligation, heretofore or hereafter incurred, whether or not any such provision is contained therein or made with respect thereto, shall be discharged upon payment, dollar for dollar, in any coin or currency which at the time of payment is legal tender for public and private debts. 

As well as UCC Section 1-201(24) (Official Comment); LEGAL TENDER DEFINED:

"The referenced Official Comment notes that the definition of money is not limited to legal tender under the U.C.C. The test adopted is that of sanction of government, whether by authorization before issue or adoption afterward, which recognizes the circulating medium as a part of the official currency of that government. The narrow view that money is limited to legal tender is rejected. In light of the holding of [Fidelity Bank Guarantee vs. Henwood, 307 U.S. 847 (1939)], a Federal US court of appeals ruled on Title 31 USC 5118. As of October 27, 1977, legal tender for discharge of debt is no longer required. That is because legal tender is not in circulation at par with promises to pay credit. Requirement of repayment of debt is against Public Policy, since legal tender was not loaned [nor in circulation] they can not demand payment in any [particular] form of coin or currency or legal tender and repayment [or payment] need only be made in equivalent kind; A negotiable instrument.

And last but not least Title 31 USC 5118 Subsection (b) which states:

(b)The United States Government may not pay out any gold coin. A person lawfully holding United States coins and currency may present the coins and currency to the Secretary of the Treasury for exchange (dollar for dollar) for other United States coins and currency (other than gold and silver coins) that may be lawfully held. The Secretary shall make the exchange under regulations prescribed by the Secretary.

We the People were made private bankers according to the law with the authority to issue notes to discharge lawful debts. This must remain in effect until lawful money and the property is returned to We the People without any encumbrances. In light of the holding of Guaranty Trust Company vs. Henwood, 307 U.S. 247 (1939), a Federal US court of appeals ruled on Title 31 USC 5118. As of October 27, 1977, legal tender for discharge of debt is no longer required. That is because legal tender is not in circulation at par with promises to pay credit. Requirement of repayment of debt is against Public Policy, since legal tender was not loaned [nor in circulation] they can not demand payment in any [particular] form of coin or currency or legal tender and repayment [or payment] need only be made in equivalent kind; A negotiable instrument.

What that means is Bank Refusal is considered dishonorable. All Banks must process lawful United States currency and failure to provide lawful reason(s), or to misdirect the instrument, is grounds for a complaint to the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) under the FDCPA (Fair Debt Collection Practices Act), 15 USC 1692(a)(1). It is their duty to honor the instrument for payment, however they may not know, abide by and operate under the law. Commercial instruments are legal tender for the payment of debt in accordance with 31 USC 5118 and other statutes/code. 18 USC 8, Public Law 73-10 and Title 31 USC 5118 prohibits Banks/creditors from demanding any specific specie of payment. Failure to honor the NI is “interference with commerce”, and a felony under the RICO ACT, 18 USC 1951. The Federal Reserve Bank says in its booklet; MODERN MONEY MECHANICS page 3, states; 

“In the United States neither paper currency nor deposits have as commodities. Intrinsically, a dollar bill is just a piece of paper, deposits merely book entries.”

So that means the currency is fake!! It’s all monopoly money and pretend!! If the dollar bill is just paper then what are you doing working for it??? The Postal-Money Order is used for any circumstance and because it's used privately we are able to lower the public debt from using our own form of currency. With making the funds appear with your signature you are doing the same as creating an American Corporate Dollar. Y-O-U are what gives the currency value and that is it. Without you signing and putting your information on the document it’s just paper like the corporate dollar. 

How to Use it right? That thing is EXTREMELY easy to use/fill out/ & then send. I wish I had talked about these a while ago because it would have saved a lot of people, but some of you guys are thinking WAAYYY too hard about it!!

In order to get remedy from the postal-money order you’ll need one (1) set of three (3) nine (9) digit numbers. These Numbers come from your U.S. Citizen Passport, the zip code and plus four to where you live, and the social security number or estate EIN for the strawman. I have shown an example on how to fill this thing out. If you click the highlighted areas IT TELLS YOU WHAT TO PUT. In the example I wrote it out as check, as if I was John Doe I made it this year and i used random dates. It does work.


The first part is writing your name and ℅ address on the top left hand corner. Next you move onto the U.S. Post Office number, which is your zip code + 4 extension. On the opposite side you’ll add in the date and the serial no. for the check. After dating the check, you write who you’re about to pay on the next line that says “Pay to the Order of”. Following that line, you will write in words how much the amount is you will be paying and then put the cents in after the word dollars. Fill in the Memo line with the account no. or description of the payment. Once that is done you will sign it in the private capacity (John-Henry: Doe). Then put your social security number or estate EIN in the place it says Treasury Routing No and your Passport No. on the line that says U.S. Postal Account No. On the line that says U.S. National Postmaster you will put the zip code + 4 extension again and underneath date, sign, and write in the serial no on the bottom (front and back). Last but not least, you can use this to pay other people. If you look at the back of the form at the top, there is a place for endorsement to a bank account. How you fill it out is the person who is going to be depositing the money-order into the commercial bank (Chase, Wells Fargo, Credit Union, ect,) account will fill out this portion with their bank routing and account numbers and sign it however they do so. Afterward the bank will do their part and the money should be deposited into your account.

If you no longer have access to the U.S. Citizen Passport, you lost your passport, or you need to update the info, the number is still the same. You can get the information from a website called where you can search for the records from 1925/Prior and 1925/Present. Underneath the Freedom of Information Act [FoIA] you can call this number +1(877)487-2778 to get the information for the Passport as well. Their customer service representatives are available Mondays through Fridays 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Eastern Time.

If you have gotten your U.S. National passport, you have opened your U.S. Postal Checking account, but probably have yet to CLOSE DOWN your U.S. Postal Saving account. That is not an issue, they are still just making money off of you like always… However you too can call the number stated before or check out the website to gain access to the information/funds…

If you never had a citizen passport or if you became a national without getting the other one, I am not sure how to help you.. In my opinion you fucked up..  If you got questions post them in the main telegram chat! We have answered almost everything already in telegram however you guys have to use the search bar and look for the information.
